I can’t get enough of saying how important proactivity is on a model. But let me detail it a little more and give you a very practical example…
Read MoreOne of the biggest challenges with shooting actresses is Time. They always seem to be running from one place to the other, in between filming, or rehearsals or some of their daily routine responsibilities (yes, they are humans and they also have personal responsibilities they have to attend to).
Read MoreI was supposed to have met Maria, back in August, when I went to Helsinki. But at the time, she was out of town, so, it didn’t happen. Fortunately, her modelling life, brought her to Lisbon and we finally got the chance to meet in person…
Read MoreI’ve always heard that life is simple, yet, it seems we always find ways of making it complex. And while I try to incorporate that simplicity in my life, passing that to my work, seems to be slightly harder.
Read MoreSometimes, testshoots are a great way to test a model’s level of professionalism. At this point, I’ve seen a bit of everything, from those who couldn’t care less about testshoots and even seem to be bored by doing them, to those who behave just like if they were shooting for the cover of a major magazine. Joana Graça is another fine example of the latter.
Read MoreI think few people have a name that fits them so well as Alba Baptista. “Alba” comes from the latin and it means “dawn”. In literature, “Alba” is a genre of Provençal poetry, that genre that made you wonder through stories of lovers who had to part ways at the dawn of a new day.
Read MoreCarolin approached me with a level of self awareness, that you don’t see in most models. Already having some years of experience in this business and a beautiful portfolio, developed mostly in Germany (where she's from), she realised there were…
Read MoreWhile getting ready to say goodbye to 2018 and hello (and welcome) to 2019, I think this season is a good time to look back to what I did and try to figure out where can I improve.
Read MoreOne of my goals with the “Musings” series, is to take this experience to as many women as possible. Therefore, repeating the women I shoot, isn’t exactly a priority, unless there’s something else or something different to be explored.
Read MoreShooting new faces, is one of those double-edged sword situations for me. On one hand, they…
Read MoreOn the previous post I told you about one of my favourite things about Helsinki, but for those who are more interested about the landmarks that you can’t miss, this post is for you (scroll down for some photos or keep reading for more practical info).
Read More“Helsinki in August, swimwear in November… what’s wrong with you?” some may ask. Well, seasons ain’t what they used to be anymore. Or maybe, the climate changes have been messing around with my head as well…
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