Christian Martins @ L'Agence

The day we met, we noticed Christian from a distance. His tall and elegant overcoat made him easy to spot. We talked a bit to get to know each other and from there till the moment we wrapped the shooting, he showed his arguments that confirmed the expectations we had about him. The eagerness to learn, the will to try and fail, the curiosity and his humbleness. All personality traits that one should have, in order to make a stand in fashion or any other industry. After the shooting, which you can check bellow, the only thing left to say, is that we look forward to share more news about this boy, that prove us right to consider him as someone to Keep An Eye On. 

christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence
christian martins lagence


Agency: L'Agence

City: Azeitão - Lisbon

What’s the coolest thing about your city (Azeitão)? The pies (tortas de Azeitão) [laughs]. I would say the quietness, that’s really the best part.

How did your start as a model? Everything started after being part of the L’Agence’s contest - Go Top Model.

So far, which has been your favorite experience? The people I've met and specially the experience of ModaLisboa and Portugal Fashion. That backstage adrenaline that everyone talks about, is really interesting.

Who do you consider to be a reference or an inspiration? James Dean.

Favorite model? David Gandy.

Favorite designer? Miguel Vieira.

Tell us something about you, most people don’t know about. I have a good sense of humor. 

If you could invite anyone for a drink, who would it be? I’m repeating myself, but I would love to have met James Dean.

You spend too much time… Training and trying to learn more about the fashion world.

And if you weren’t training to be a professional model, what would you be doing? Studying to be an actor :)

As a model, do you have any specific goal? I would like to be the face of a Tommy Hilfiger campaign.